There are more types of dreams out there and each of them has its own message.

Recurring Dreams

Recurring dreams bring back memories. They relate to something that happened in the past. It could be a happy event, but it’s most likely some sort of trauma. These dreams carry messages that could help you heal. Most of the time, they’re upsetting and problematic.

Recurring dreams will stop once you sort this trauma out. A dream tarot spread can help you identify it.

Lucid Dreams

Everyone has lucid dreams every now and then. You’re basically in the dream, but you know it’s not real. You know it’s dreaming. It can be an interesting experience, but it’s also hard to understand what the message is about, especially as it seems that you have some sort of control in the dream.

Some people like the idea of exploring a dream and the unique opportunities that come with it.

Recall Dreams

Recall dreams kick in to bring back memories. It could be anything. You haven’t thought about it in ages, so you must’ve repressed it. When you sleep, your conscience is no longer leading your actions. That’s when recall dreams come back to life.

Recall dreams tend to come with all kinds of themes and may occur when you try to repress something, from emotions and stress to feelings and conflicts.

Past Life Dreams

Past life dreams are self-explanatory and occur when you have a subconscious connection with someone from your past life. A tarot dream spread can be very insightful if that’s the case.

Prophetic Dreams

Prophetic dreams are very important because they relate to something that’s likely to happen in the future. They’re not always crystal clear, hence the necessity of a tarot reading.

Replay Dreams

Replay dreams represent the brain’s way to clean itself. They don’t usually hold much meaning, but you could still benefit from a tarot reading to ensure they’re not sending an important message.